Wellcome you to BeautyRhymes - Lifting your natural look


Effective Date: December 1, 2020Privacy Policy

Privacy is important. We respect yours. Our goal is to do more than we have to by law, we want to earn your trust that we are careful with your data.

General Information

This policy explains to how we handle the provided information when someone visit and use our sites, services, mobile applications, products, and content.

What we may collect!

We only collect the consented information like device or browser type, information you send us (such as an email address used to register with us), and referral information. We may collect and store Internet Protocol address only to fight spam and other abuse or to generate aggregate, non-identifying information about how people use Beauty Rhymes.

Email from Beauty Rhymes

We send administrative email about our services, account changes or new policy updates. There is always an option to unsubscribe email but administrative email is not optional. We’ll never send email ask for your password or other account confidential information. Let us know if you receive any email asking your confidential information.

Disclosure of your information

As a rule, we do not share your personal information outside the company.

We would not sell your personal information.

We may share your personal information with third parties in limited circumstances, including: (1) with your consent; (2) to a vendor or partner who meets our data protection standards; or (3) when we have a good faith belief it is required by law, such as pursuant to a subpoena or other legal process.

If we are going to share your information in response to legal process, we will give you advance notice so you can challenge it (for example by seeking court intervention), unless we are prohibited from doing so by law or court order. We will object to requests for information about users of our site that we believe to be improper.

If we merge with another company such that your information will become subject to a different privacy policy, we will notify you before the transfer. You can opt out of the new policy by deleting your account during the notice period.


We use cookies and similar technologies such as pixels and local storage to recognize you when you return to our Services. We use them in various ways, for example to log you in, remember your preferences (such as default language), evaluate email effectiveness, show relevant ads, and personalize information.

We respect Do Not Track (“DNT”) settings in browsers. If you are logged out of our Services and have DNT enabled, we will not set cookies. By logging in you are opting to allow Beauty Rhymes to ignore the DNT setting and to use cookies in order to provide you a personalized experience.

Some third-party services that we use, such as embedly or Google Analytics, may place their own cookies in your browser. This Privacy Policy covers use of cookies by Medium only and not the use of cookies by third parties.

Data Storage

Beauty Rhymes uses third-party vendors and hosting partners, such as Amazon, for hardware, software, networking, storage, and related technology we need to run it. We maintain two types of logs: server logs and event logs.

Data security

We use encryption (HTTP/TLS) to protect data transmitted to and from our site. However, no data transmission over the Internet is 100% secure, so we cannot guarantee security. You use the Service at your own risk, and you are responsible for taking reasonable measures to secure your account (like using a strong password).

Changes to this Policy

Medium may periodically update this Policy. We will notify you about significant changes to it. The most current version of the policy will always be here and we will archive former versions of the policy here.


We welcome questions, concerns, and feedback about this policy at EMAIL

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